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Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Oracle Forms Error Code & Messages : FRM-40100 TO FRM-40367

FRM-40100 TO FRM-40367

FRM-40100: At first record.
Cause: You pressed [Previous Record] when the cursor was at the first record.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 5
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40101: Cannot position to a key item. None are navigable.
Cause: You pressed [Next Primary Key Item], but there are no enterable primary key items in this block.
Action: Use [Next Item] for navigation rather than [Next Primary Key Item].
Level: 10
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40102: Record must be entered or deleted first.
Cause: You pressed [Next Record] or [Down] in a context where it is meaningless. Either:
1. The last record in a block is the current record.
2. The block is empty.
3. You are in a new record in the middle of the block created by pressing [Insert Record].
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 5
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40103: Cannot position to a key item. None are queryable.
Cause: You tried to use [Next Primary Key Item], but none of the primary key items in the block allow you to enter query criteria.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 10
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40104: No such block: %s.
Cause: Runtime error. A GO_BLOCK statement references a nonexistent block.
Action: Correct the statement.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40105: Unable to resolve reference to item %s.
Cause: Runtime error. A GO_ITEM statement references a nonexistent item.
Action: Correct the statement.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40106: No navigable items in destination block.
Cause: Runtime error. A GO_BLOCK statement references a block with no enterable items.
Action: Remove the statement or make at least one item in the block enterable.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40107: Cannot navigate to non-displayed item %s.
Cause: Runtime error. A GO_ITEM statement references a non-displayed item.
Action: Remove the statement or turn on the Displayed Property for the indicated item.
Level: 20
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40108: No such form: %s.
Cause: You attempted to get/set properties of a nonexistent or unloaded form.
Action: Use a valid form name.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40109: Cannot navigate out of current block in enter-query mode.
Cause: You attempted to navigate out of the current block during enter-query mode.
Action: No action is necessary. You cannot navigate out of the current block or record during enter-query mode.
Level: 99
Trigger: None
FRM-40110: At first block.
Cause: You attempted [Previous Block] when at the first block.
Action: None. Consider an alternative method of navigation.
Level: 5
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40111: At last block.
Cause: You attempted [Next Block] when at the last block.
Action: None. Consider an alternative method of navigation.
Level: 5
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40112: Attempted go_item to non enabled item %s:%s.
Cause: You attempted to issue a go_item to a non enabled item.
Action: None. Consider an alternative method of navigation.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40200: Field is protected against update.
Cause: You tried to update a field that does not allow updates.
Action: No action is necessary. You cannot update this field in this form.
Level: 15
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40201: Field is full. Can't insert character.
Cause: Oracle Forms is in insert mode, and the current field is full.
Action: Delete a character to make room for the new character or press [Insert/Replace] to activate replace mode.
Level: 99
Trigger: None
FRM-40202: Field must be entered.
Cause: You have not entered a value (or you have deleted a value) in a field that requires data input.
Action: You must enter a value in this field.
Level: 15
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40203: Field must be entered completely.
Cause: You have not entered a complete value (or you have deleted part of a value) in a field that has a fixed length requirement.
Action: Enter a complete value (one that extends to the end of the field).
Level: 15
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40204: Cursor is at beginning of field value.
Cause: You tried to delete a character before the first character position of the field.
Action: Use [Delete Character] to delete the character that the cursor is on.
Level: 10
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40205: Cursor is beyond the current field value.
Cause: On a block mode terminal, you positioned the cursor out of a field.
Action: Move the cursor into the field and try the entry again.
Level: 99
Trigger: None
FRM-40206: Previous character is currently hidden.
Cause: You tried to delete a character that is off the screen.
Action: Scroll the character you want to delete into view using the arrow keys or [Scroll Left] and [Scroll Right].
Level: 10
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40207: Must be in range %.30s to %.30s.
Cause: You entered a value not in the valid item range.
Action: Enter a value in the range shown.
Level: 99
Trigger: None
FRM-40208: Form running in query-only mode. Cannot change database fields.
Cause: You entered a value on a query-only form.
Action: Do not enter values on this form. You can execute queries and view data, but you cannot alter existing data or enter new data.
Level: 15
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40209: Field must be of form %s.
Cause: The value that you entered did not match the format mask on the field.
Action: Retry with a field value that matches the format mask.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40210: Search string not found.
Cause: Search string does not exist in the module.
Action: Check your search string to make sure it is accurate or try another search string.
Level: 99
FRM-40211: Warning! Newlines may be stripped from this field.
Cause: You attempted to assign data with newlines to a single-line text field.
Action: Assign to a multi-line text field if you need the newlines.
Level: 5
FRM-40212: Invalid value for field %s.
Cause: Caused by one of the following:
1. The value is not of the proper data type.
2. The value does not match any of the list of acceptable values.
3. For a text field, the value does not match the specified range.
Action: Retry with another value.
Level: 20
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40213: Cannot Copy_Region/Cut_Region; region not selected.
Cause: Region not selected.
Action: Select a region and try again.
Level: 5
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40214: Cannot open the clipboard for the copy/cut.
Cause: Clipboard unavailable.
Action: Platform specific.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40215: Cannot write to the clipboard.
Cause: Clipboard unavailable.
Action: Platform specific.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40216: Cannot open the clipboard for the paste.
Cause: Clipboard unavailable.
Action: Platform specific.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40217: Cannot get the data size from the clipboard.
Cause: Invalid data.
Action: Platform specific.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40218: Cannot read from the clipboard.
Cause: Invalid data.
Action: Platform specific.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40219: Cannot format the data read from the clipboard.
Cause: Invalid data.
Action: Platform specific.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40220: Cannot paste from the clipboard; value too long.
Cause: Invalid data.
Action: Platform specific.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40221: Cannot Paste_Region; region not selected.
Cause: Paste_Region was invoked while no portion of the image item was selected.
Action: Select a region of the image item prior to calling Paste_Region.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40222: Disabled item '%s.%s' failed validation.
Cause: Probable application design error. Forms determined that the item contains an invalid value, but it cannot give focus to the item because it is disabled. This could happen because either:
The application programmatically assigned an invalid valid to the item.
The application programmatically disabled the item after the end user entered an invalid valid in the item (and before the item was validated).
Action: Correct the application logic.
Level: 25
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40223: Field contains an invalid string for security purposes.
Cause: Field contains a string that could be a potential security violation.
Action: Remove the offending string.
Level: 15
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40301: Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-enter.
Cause: No records matched the query criteria. Still in Enter Query mode.
Action: Either adjust the query criteria or press [Exit/Cancel] to leave Enter Query mode.
Level: 99
FRM-40302: Cannot enter a query. No fields are queryable.
Cause: You pressed [Enter Query] while the cursor was in a block with no queryable fields.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 15
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40303: No base table fields in the block.
Cause: One of the blocks in the current module has no base table fields.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40350: Query caused no records to be retrieved.
Cause: The current query fetched no records from the table. The table is empty, or it contains no records that meet the query's search criteria.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 5
FRM-40352: Last record of query retrieved.
Cause: You pressed [Down], [Next Record], [Next Set of Records], or [Scroll Down] after all records had been retrieved.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 5
FRM-40353: Query cancelled.
Cause: You pressed [Exit/Cancel] in Enter Query mode, or you pressed CTRL-C (or its equivalent) while Oracle Forms was fetching rows from the database.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 5 when the query was canceled by CTRL-C; 10 otherwise
FRM-40355: Query will retrieve 1 record.
Cause: You pressed [Count Query Hits]. If you now press [Execute Query], the number of records will be retrieved.
Action: No action is necessary.
Level: 25
FRM-40356: Invalid number in example record. Query not issued.
Cause: In Enter Query mode, you entered an invalid number in the example record.
Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40357: Invalid string in example record. Query not issued.
Cause: In query mode, you entered an invalid ALPHA or CHAR value in the example record.
Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40358: Invalid date in example record. Query not issued.
Cause: In Enter Query mode, you entered an invalid DATE in the example record.
Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40359: Invalid date or time in example record. Query not issued.
Cause: In Enter Query mode, you entered an invalid JDATE, EDATE, or TIME value in the example record.
Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40360: Cannot query records here.
Cause: You attempted to query a block that does not allow queries.
Action: Do not attempt to query this block.
Level: 10
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40361: Query operation not support for TIME data type.
Cause: You made a query with a % "like" operator in a time field, which is not supported.
Action: Try to restate your query without a time data type.
Level: 10
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40364: The data type of item '%s' does not match the corresponding column in the stored procedure.
Cause: The data type of the item is different from the data type of the corresponding column in the stored procedure.
Action: Make the data type of the item in the block and the column in the stored procedure the same.
Level: 20
Trigger: ON-ERROR
FRM-40367: Invalid criteria in field %s in example record.
Cause: Only simple clauses are allowed in restricted enter query mode.
Action: Re-enter the criteria.
Level: 99
Trigger: ON-ERROR

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