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Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Oracle 12c New Features " Period Definition "

Oracle 12c allows you to easily define when a record is effective from. Before having this feature, it was often done using start and end dates, or an effective date, in the database table.

Now, when you create a table, you add a PERIOD clause:
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CREATE TABLE student ( 
student_id NUMBER,
first_name VARCHAR2(50), 
last_name VARCHAR2(50), 
start_date DATE, 
end_date DATE, PERIOD FOR VALID (start_date, end_date));

This PERIOD clause refers to two columns, which are the start and end date. Now, you'll still need these columns, but it makes your queries a lot easier.
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SELECT student_id, 
FROM student 

You add in the AS OF PERIOD FOR VALID, and then a date. The date can be any value you like, and the records returned will be the ones where the date is between the start and end date.

It's a bit of an improvement to a process that I've seen quite often.

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