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File Uploading Process Developer (Oracle Forms)

 File Uploading Process Developer


File Uploading Process Developer is the basic step of uploading delimited files using File Uploading Process. Through this tool we have to define the process for file uploading and distributing / inserting the data in required tables in runtime. This tool helps us to exclude coding for every new scenarios of file uploading in database.

What is Process?

In this tool, Process is defined as the basic program based on file uploading scenarios which helps to generate a quick code for any new scenarios. This code is totally symbolic AI and work on how user defined it in File Uploading Process Developer.

A process can be defined for single delimited data file to distribute data to multiple tables also we can call procedure to execute in between loading the data.

Functional Flow:

File Uploading Process Developer is divided in 3 sections.

·         Process Definition

·         Process Objects

·         Objects Fields / Arguments

Process Definition:

In first column “Process#” will automatically generated once user saved the changes on screen and this number is the primary key to identify every Process. Second column “Process” is used to define the process name and this name is also uniquely identified. The third column “Extension” is a selectable list field from which user need to select extension ‘.csv’ or ‘.txt’ of uploading file, ‘.csv’ will appear as default value. Next “Split By” fourth column is another a selectable list field from which user need to select data splitter symbol ‘, / ~ / ^ /  @ /  $ /  #’, ‘Comma “,”’ will appear as default value If ‘.csv’ is selected in “Extension” list then “Split By“ is automatically set to ‘Comma “,”’. Field “App” is also a selectable list field from which user need to select application for which user creating this process. A check option “Escape Top” is use to ignore headings in loading file. Note: If user un-check option “Escape Top”, then headings for all column must exclude from file before uploading it. “Download Sample File” button is used to download sample file for uploading designed through File Uploading Process Developer. “Active” check use to validate the process. “Modified On” & “Modified By” will automatically updated on saved changes.

In case of updating existing process make sure that there is no file uploaded on process if file is uploaded on selected process table following error alert will be raised to halt the changes.


Process Objects:

First check “Active” is used to validate define object in the process. “Seq.” column is used to define the sequence by which objects will call in runtime. On third, “Type” is a selectable list field from which user need to select the type of the object which can be ‘Table’ or ‘Procedure’.  The fourth column “Objects” is the main column for this section and it can be edit using “List” button next to it. By pressing “List” button a list is populated with all accessible tables if ‘Table’ is selected in “Type” field and if ‘Procedure’ is selected then all accessible procedures are populated in the list. To generate auto sequence click on “Re-Sequence” button.

Also, before selecting your table, you can add ‘(FILENAME VARCHAR2(100), RECNUM NUMBER)’ column in source table to record loading file name and row number. If not, system will guide you to add both columns by clicking the “Add Columns” (Only if required table is in schema) as mentioned below in snapshot. If user still facing issues in adding the columns, ask DBA to add both column in your required table.

If required table is in another schema an error will be. Therefore, DBA can only add both the column.

Note: Both columns ‘(FILENAME VARCHAR2(100), RECNUM NUMBER) are not mandatory columns.

Objects Fields / Arguments:

After defining the process definition and process objects basics the second part is Objects Fields / Arguments.

Objects Fields / Arguments columns are automatically populated once the “Object” column is updated in “Process Objects” section. If user wants to delete a record from Process Fielding section then right click on the record and select the option delete record.

Is Active:

It is used to validate define field in the process.

Seq. no.:

In this column a unique sequence must be define to list all column in order. Data will be inserted in these column as per sequence when the file is uploading using File Uploading Portal. To generate auto sequence click on “Re-Sequence” button.


In Field, all the column or arguments are defined with their name mentioned in table or procedure and can be only be select using list of values LOV by double clicking on the Field column. If selected Field was already mentioned in the grid then an error raised to notify the user. It is highly recommended to define distinct Field and their Seq. These selected fields or arguments are used in insertion in the table or calling procedure on runtime.


This column used for proper description of selected column of a table and also used in sample uploading file as headings of the columns. If user did not mention any description then system will automatically updated it with column or argument name mentioned in selected table or procedure.

Data Form:

The list Data Form contains 10 following options and all option has their own functionality which is used during the File Uploading Portal.

·         Map From File:

In order to upload data defined in loading file user has to select Map From File option.

·         Query Data:

When Query Data option is selected it means a query required to generate data on runtime. Before mentioning the query it is highly recommended to check the query on SQL in order to avoid any errors during file loading. Also, make sure that there is only one column mentioned in the query in order to return single value during insertion in order to prevent any exception.

·         Reference:

Option Reference is used when a query is used to retrieve a data from database using the value mentioned in loading file. For e.g. Value mentioned in loading file is “FINANCE” which is department name column (DNAME) found in DEPT table in scott schema and a data retrieval query defined in process i.e. “Select Deptno from departments where dname = :value” on runtime value “FINANCE” picked from loading file and replace it with “:value” variable in order to get the department number on behalf of its name. Note: Always use ‘:VALUE’ as variable for runtime execution.

·         Default:

Default option is used to define a hardcoded value in PLSQL section for inserting it in table while File Uploading Portal.

·         Log#:

Log# option is used to insert a unique login number of a session allocated to login user.

·         User ID:

User ID option is used to insert login user ID.

·         Parameter Date:

Parameter Date is used to insert specific date in a column while uploading file and it is available on File Uploading Portal.

·         File Name:

File Name is used to insert uploading filename in a column while uploading file.

·         Record#:

Record# is used to insert row number of rows in uploading file.

·         Parameter ID:

Parameter ID is used to insert input value in a column while uploading file and it is available on File Uploading Portal.

Min. Value:

Min. Value option helps to restrict the data before insertion and validate with it. (Usable for number and date columns).

Max. Value:

Max. Value option helps to restrict the data before insertion and validate with it. (Usable for number and date columns).

Min. Length:

Min. Length option helps to check the length of data and apply validation as per defined value. Note: Do not use this option for Date columns.

Max. Length:

Max. Length option helps to check the length of data and apply validation as per defined value. Note: Do not use this option for Date columns.

Essential Check:

This check marks the field as mandatory item and restrict it as not null value field.

Check-In Check:

Check-In Check is used when the validation required on the data mentioned in loading file between some specific values. The Check-In values are define in PLSQL field and the format to define values is to separating each value using "|" e.g. VAL1|VAL2|VAL3|VAL(n)...”. Also, if Check-In check is active then the field Data Form must be set to Map From File and Check Query check option must be in-active.

Check Query Check:

Check Query Check is used when the validation required on the data mentioned in loading file using a query. The query is define in PLSQL field using where clause to validate the value given in loading file. Also, if Check Query is active then the field Data Form must be set to Map From File and Check-In option must be in-active. For e.g. in MGR column employee ids will be check from employee no columns i.e. “select 1 from emp where empno = :VALUE”. Note: Always use ‘:VALUE’ as variable for runtime execution.

Is Where:

The check is active and de-active when the system detects a where clause in query mentioned in PLSQL.


This column is used to define Values as per user requirements. 

“Modified On” & “Modified By” will automatically updated on saved changes.



File Uploading Portal


File Uploading Portal is designed to upload delimited data files in oracle database using oracle forms. It is a hassle free tool and work on defined File Uploading Process accordingly. It has both option for server users and for client users which can help to upload and download as per user requirement.

Functional Flow:

Flow is defined in 2 types Server Activity and Client Activity. There is only one difference in Server Activity and Client Activity and that is the calling of loading file. If user wants to upload data by calling it from server directory then user must make sure that the uploading data file is placed on server’s directory i.e. “C:\zDir\Data.csv”.

Or user can select Client Activity to upload file from user PC’s desktop.

Now go to File Uploading Portal, define parameter ID (if required), select parameter date (if required), select process from list and click on load.

Before starting client activity make sure that your uploading data file is placed on client drive and can easily be accessible. A dialog open to select data file saved on client machine. As for quick response and smart performance try to upload small sized (KBs) files. If data file contain large amount of data which exceed the file size in (MBs) then spilt the file into multiple pieces. It is highly recommended to upload minimum sized file. After selection of file click on open to execute the load process. Once process is executed system will notify further steps via alerts.


Once raw data uploaded system will call defined process to generate code load complete data in source tables defined in File Uploading Process.

After completion of file uploading, system will notify the status of uploaded rows and rejected rows as picturized in below snapshot

If there are any rejected rows while uploading the file, system will provide downloading option for rejected rows. User perform similar actions to download as perform in for Server Activity and Client Activity for uploading the file.

User can select the download location as per requirement.

Sample Rejected Rows File:


File Uploading Portal Application is developed using Oracle Forms 10g and can be upgrade.



1 comment:

  1. Can you pls provide the source for forms12c
