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How to compile multiple Forms / Reports for Upgraded Oracle Versions

Steps for FORMS:

1- Create a new file with  Notepad or Notpad++ - I prefer Notepad++ - and name it "compile.bat"

2- Paste The following code into the "compile.bat" file. Note: This code also compile ".pll" and ".mmb" files.

 Echo libraries compilation.... 
 for %%f IN (*.pll) do ( frmcmp userid=scott/tiger@orcl module=%%f batch=yes module_type=library compile_all=yes window_state=minimize & ECHO %%f )
 ECHO libraries compilation finished ---
 Echo menus compilation.... 
 for %%f IN (*.mmb) do ( frmcmp userid=scott/tiger@orcl module=%%f batch=yes module_type=menu compile_all=yes window_state=minimize & ECHO %%f )
 ECHO menus compilation finished ---
 Echo forms compilation.... 
 for %%f IN (*.fmb) do ( frmcmp userid=scott/tiger@orcl module=%%f batch=yes module_type=form compile_all=yes window_state=minimize & ECHO %%f )
 ECHO forms compilation finished ---

3- Replace "scott/tiger@orcl" with the connection your connection string "userid/password@databasename" 

4- Place the "compile.bat" file  into the folder that has the your forms

5- Double click the "compile.bat" file to run it.

6- The error logs will be written to file with ".err" extension.

7- Note: In case you don't want to compile a ".pll" file just remove its for loop form the bat file, same with other types.

Steps for REPORTS:
1- Create a new file and name it "rpcnvrt.bat"

2- Paste The following code into the "rpcnvrt.bat" file.

        Echo report convertion.... 
        for %%f IN (*.rdf) do ( rwconverter userid=scott/tiger@orcl stype=RDFFILE DTYPE=REPFILE batch=yes OVERWRITE=YES source=%%f & ECHO %%f )
        ECHO report compilation finished ---

3- Replace "scott/tiger@orcl" with the connection your connection string "userid/password@databasename" 

4- Place the "rpcnvrt.bat" file  into the folder that has the your reports

5- Double click the "rpcnvrt.bat" file to run it.

6- The error logs will be written to file with "reports.log" extension.

7- Note: For more options on the rwconverter visit this link.
  •  BATCH
  • DEST
  • P_NAME

8- Note: Spaces in the name of the reports seems to be causing an error. Place double quotes around  %%f to be like this "source=%%f".

9- Placed the attributes for the report conversion in this order because some error happens that I didn't have the time to check it out.


Forms: Forms Compiler command line parameters

The following is a list of the command line parameters, and their meaning, to the Oracle Forms Compiler (frmcmp). 

Forms Release 11g R2
The compiler options have not changed with Forms release 11g.
Forms Release 10g R2
 Mandatory Parameters
 UserID=<userid/password@database>  Obviously, the user id, password and database to compile the module against
 Module=<module name>  The file name of the module to compile (don't include the file extenstion)

Optional Parameters  (default values listed)
 Module_Type=FORM  The three module types are:  FORM, MENU and LIBRARY
 Logon=YES  Log into a database (YES or no).  No all compilation actions require a database connection.  For example, producing an Object List Report
 Batch=NO  Don't display messages on the screen
 Output_File=<file>  Write output of the compilation to a file.  <file> should be the complete path and file name
 Script=NO  Write a script file
 Parse=NO  Parse script file
 Upgrade=NO  Upgrade the module to the current Forms version
 Version=45  Version to upgrade (23, 30, 40, 45 or menu 50)
 Crt_File=<crt file>  CRT file for version 2.x form upgrade
 Build=YES  Build a runform/runmenu file when upgrading
 Add_Triggers=NO  Add Key-Up/Down triggers during upgrade
 Nofail=NO  Add NOFAIL keyword to trigger steps
 Debug=NO  Build/Run with debug information
 Compile_All=NO  Compile all PL/SQL code
 Strip_Source=NO  Strip PL/SQL source code from library
 Window_State=Normal  Root window state (Normal, Maximize, Minimize)
 Help=NO  Show command line help information
 Options_Screen=NO  Display Options window (on bitmap only)
 Widen_Fields=NO  Add one character to display width
 Print_Version=NO  Print version used to save module
 Forms_Doc=NO  Print Forms Doc report
Oracle Forms Release 6.0/6i
 Mandatory Parameters
 UserID=<userid/password@database>  Obviously, the user id, password and database to compile the module against
 Module=<module name>  The file name of the module to compile (don't include the file extenstion)

 Optional Parameters  (default values listed)
 Module_Type=FORM  The three module types are:  FORM, MENU and LIBRARY
 Module_Access=FILE  Module access (FILE, DATABASE).  Specifies if the Module is stored on the OS file system  or in a Database
 Statistics=NO  Show statistics
 Logon=YES  Log into a database (YES or no).  No all compilation actions require a database connection.  For example, producing an Object List Report
 Batch=NO  Don't display messages on the screen
 Output_File=<file>  Write output of the compilation to a file.  <file> should be the complete path and file name
 Script=NO  Write a script file
 Parse=NO  Parse a script file
 Delete=NO  Delete a module from the database
 Insert=NO  Insert a module into the database
 Extract=NO  Extract a module from the database
 Upgrade=NO  Upgrade module to current version
 Upgrade_Roles=NO  Upgrade SQL*Menu 5.0 role information
 Version=45  Version to upgrade (23, 30, 40, 45 or menu 50)
 Crt_File=<crt file>  CRT file for version 2.x form upgrade
 Build=YES  Build a runform/runmenu file when upgrading
 Add_Triggers=NO  Add Key-Up/Down triggers during upgrade
 Nofail=NO  Add NOFAIL keyword to trigger steps
 Debug=NO  Build/Run with debug information
 Compile_All=NO  Compile all PL/SQL code
 Strip_Source=NO  Strip PL/SQL source code from library
 Window_State=Normal  Root window state (Normal, Maximize, Minimize)
 Help=NO  Show this help information
 Options_Screen=NO  Display Options window (on bitmap only)
 Widen_Fields=NO  Add one character to display width
 Print_Version=NO  Print version used to save module
 Forms_Doc=NO  Print Forms Doc report