
Also View:

Oracle 12cR4 Forms & Reports Configuration


Hardware used for this installation is
· Intel i5-G6 CPU
· 16 GB RAM
· 64 Bit Operating system Windows Server 2016


JDK 1.8+ 64 Bit.
Oracle 12c Database with AL32UTF8 Character set.
fmw_12. Weblogic Server 

For the installation of Jdk 1.8 and fmw_12. Weblogic Server installation please visit:

Please follow the steps for forms and reports configuration:

Right Click the unzipped setup file and select Run as administrator.

Click Next on Welcome Screen.

Skip Auto Update and click Next.

Select weblogic server (Middleware) home path where you have installed it. Click Next button.

Select Forms and Reports Deployment and click Next button.

Select java home path where you have installed it. Click Next button.

To remove warning on checking MS Visual C++ download and install vcredist_x64.exe
Click Next button on prerequisite check.

Click Install on Installation summary page.

Installation progress is completed press Next.

Installation completed press Finish button.

Above Installation process is completed. But there are few more steps that are required for the completion of forms & reports configuration. 12c is configuration is different then 11g, in 11g forms' configuration, domain are automatically created during installation.
In 12c, we have to create Repository and domain manually. Now we learn how to create Repository and domain manually.

Repository & Domain Creation

Now we start Repository Creation Utility (RCU).  rcu.bat file is located at below location 
(Check location where you installed the forms and reports).

Right click this rcu.bat and select Run as administrator.

Click Next on RCU Welcome page.

On create repository page option for [Create Repository and System Load and Product Load] should be selected. Click Next.

Enter database details and click next.

Prerequisite check should be ok.

In Select Components window enter prefix and click on option Oracle AS Repository Components all other components are automatically selected. Make sure to un-check User Messaging Service. 
Click Next.

Repository Creation Utility - Checking Prerequisite should be ok. Press OK button.

Select [Use same passwords for all schemas] and provide the password then click Next button.

If you need to change the tablespace detail then click Manage Tablespaces and provide the details else Click Next.

Click OK to continue.

If Tablespaces Successfully Created Click OK to continue.

Start creating RCU by clicking Create button.

RCU creation completed click Close.

Create Domain
After completion of RCU, we will need to create the domain by executing the config.cmd from below location.

Right click and Run as administrator.

Accept default and click Next.

Select the required products and click the "Next" button.
  1. Oracle Forms [forms]
  2. Oracle Reports Application [report]
  3. Oracle Enterprise Manager [em]
  4. Oracle HTTP Server (Collocated) [ohs]
  5. Oracle Reports Tool [ReportsToolsComponent]
  6. Oracle Reports Server [ReportsServerComponent]
  7. Oracle Reports Bridge [ReportsBridgeComponent]
  8. Oracle JRF [oracle_common]

Make sure to un-check following products
  1. Oracle Forms Application Deployment Service (FADS) [forms]
  2. Oracle WSC Policy Manager [oracle_common]

Click the "Next" button for Application location.

Enter Admin user and password and click the "Next" button.

Select Development and leave JDK as it it unless you are using other JDK and click the "Next" button.

Enter details of Database configuration type which we have given during RCU Configuration.
Click Get RCU Configuration button. If connection is successful then press Next button

Click Next. It is assumed that all component have same schema passwords.

Click Next. When all JDBC Test is successful.

Select Topology for Managed Server and System Components. Now click Next.

Use defaults and click next

Use defaults and click next

Use defaults and click next

Click on first row in Server Name Prefix column and enter wsmforms then select wsm-cache.. in next column i.e. Server Template column on same row. Leave second row of cluster_reports as default and click next.

Use defaults and click next

Use defaults and click next

Use defaults and click next

Add AdminServer in Machine grid section and click next.

Remove all entries in Virtual Targets and click next.

Click next.

Add new row with ohs1 in System Component and select OHS in Component Type and click next

Enter OHS server details for setup and click next.

Add ohs1 in Machine grid section.

In Configuration Summary, Click on Create to proceed.

Click next on successful 100% configuration.

Note Domain Location and Admin Server URL before clicking on Finish Button.

After the successful configuration via wizards, we have to do some manual configuration in order to launch form builder, Report Builder and admin server (em) application.

Creating Directories with file having username & password

MKDIR D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\AdminServer\security

echo username=[weblogic] > D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\AdminServer\security\

echo password=[welcome1] >> D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\AdminServer\security\

MKDIR D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\WLS_FORMS\security

echo username=[weblogic] > D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\WLS_FORMS\security\

echo password=[welcome1] >> D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\WLS_FORMS\security\

MKDIR D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\WLS_REPORTS\security

echo username=[weblogic] > D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\WLS_REPORTS\security\

echo password=[welcome1] >> D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\WLS_REPORTS\security\


Step 1. Start Node Node Manager by providing following command located in
Right click startNodeManager.cmd and select Run as administrator.
Node manager is started and configuration settings are displayed. Do not close this window.

Step 2. Now we will start Weblogic Admin Server by providing following command located in D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin
Right click startWeblogic.cmd and select Run as administrator.
Provide Weblogic User and password which we have given during installation and press Enter Key.

Now Weblogic server is started and in Running mode.

Open the Command window and we will start WLS_FORMS by giving following command.
D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_FORMS

Now we can start the forms builder from below location.

Step 3. Now we will start the HTTP Server. Open the browser I used Internet explorer and give URL as http://localhost:7001/em. It will open the console. Provide the Domain Admin User name and password.

Step 4. Now Click Target Navigation Icon on left top most Icon

Step 5. Expand HTTP Server and click ohs1 and click Start Up at the top. Ohs1 completed successfully now Press Close button.

Http ohs1 is running.

Step 6. Edit the D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\forms\templates\config\forms.conf
file to contain the following.

<Location /forms>
      SetHandler weblogic-handler
      WebLogicHost localhost
      WeblogicPort 9001

Now Edit the D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\reports\conf\reports_ohs.conf file to contain he following.

<Location /reports>
      SetHandler weblogic-handler
      WebLogicHost localhost
      WebLogicPort 9002

Now copy both [forms.conf and reports_ohs.conf ] to following location.
Now Restart the HTTP Server to take effect.

Step 7. Now Start the forms server by providing following command in Command window

D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_FORMS

Now Restart the HTTP Server to take effect. You can see that forms server is started and running and its health is ok.

At this point we have not created the Report server and Report server is not started this we will start afterwards.

Now we will check that our forms is installed successfully of not. We need Java JRE to be installed which we have already installed before installing Weblogic Server.

Now Open Internet Explorer and check that our forms is successfully installed and running provide the following URL.

(in hostname provide your hostname where you have installed for ex. localhost).

See our forms is installed and running successfully.

Step 8. Now we will use WLST (Weblogic Scripting Tool) to create Report Components.
We will create a Reports tool for Machine ‘AdminServerMachine’ – [reportsToolsName].
We will Create a Reports server for machine 'AdminServerMachine' - <reportsServerName>
Execute WLST.cmd from following location.

Type the following commands in WLST Window.

connect("weblogic","welcome1", "localhost:7001")

Now Type the following command to create report tools

createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName=’RepTools1’, machine=’AdminServerMachine’)

createReportsServerInstance(instanceName=’MyServer1’, machine=’AdminServerMachine’)


Now your Reports Tool and Server is created.

Step 9. Now let us start WLS_REPORTS. Open command prompt and give following command.
D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_REPORTS

Now start the Report Builder from the below path.


Alhumdolillah, we successfully configured Oracle 12cR4 Forms & Reports.

There are some additional settings for report server to avoid "REP-51019: System user authentication is missing". Please follow the steps to avoid such error:


First shutdown your Report Server. Then some changes required in rwserver.conf You will find the rwserver.conf file in the below paths.




Comment the line below from
<security id="rwJaznSec" class="oracle.reports.server.RWJAZNSecurity"/> 


<!--security id="rwJaznSec" class="oracle.reports.server.RWJAZNSecurity"/-->

<job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" securityId="rwJaznSec"/>
<job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng"/>

First take a backup of your rwserver.conf original file.

Now following changes require in file which can be find at : D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_12.2.1\configuration\

1) Make single signon yes
2) Add 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rwservlet xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="">

Restart your Report Server…. 

To verify that Reports Server is running, navigate to the following URL:


Where host and port are use as per your configuration.

the Reports Server Name is specified in the Oracle Reports Servlet configuration file ( ).

Location of file


Note: Change all path as per your configurations

There are more articles related to Oracle 12c Forms on my blog such as, 

How to Install WebLogic NodeManager, AdminServer, WLS_FORMS & WLS_REPORTS as windows service?

Hope you enjoyed and learned from this article. I request you to please point out the mistakes in comments section and help others too. Thank you for visiting my blog.


  1. is this installation is same for windows 10 ?

  2. Forms are running on port 9001 and reports are on 9002. when we run/call the report from forms, web.show_document will take 9001 port. and it will not open the report (with screen/cache option). how to overcome this problem?

  3. I have installed and configured 12c Forms and reports in my windows 10 machine.
    when I try to open enterprise manager (EM) console, after putting user and password, it is redirected to http://localhost:7001/em/faces/helppages/errorPage.jspx and blank screen is coming. Please please help me.

    Jiju Mathew

  4. http://localhost:7001/em/faces/helppages/errorPage.jspx
    plese help me, only loading

  5. http://localhost:7001/em/faces/helppages/errorPage.jspx
    how can i fix this.....

  6. Hello
    Did anyone find a fix to the error below?


  7. http://localhost:7001/em/faces/helppages/errorPage.jspx
